San Diego State University: Career Pathways and Social Capital by 
Sunday, June 25, 2023, 04:33 PM
Community Engagement is a form of experiential learning. Experiential learning integrates academic work, giving back to the community, and career planning. Engaging students in hands-on experience can provide opportunities to make classroom learning real and relevant by applying classroom knowledge in a real world setting, all while encouraging students to critically reflect on these experiences and create meaning.

Experiential learning opportunities that occur through the classroom - such as service learning, internships, and other forms of community-engaged learning - are critical for students’ personal growth and career success. Students develop hands-on experiences within and beyond the classroom that leads them to follow their passions.

When students engage in their community, they can -

Learn about societal issues more in-depth and see multiple perspectives of a problem;
Gain a clearer perspective of the career options they are are considering;
Develop necessary soft skills such as critical thinking/problem solving, professionalism/work ethic, teamwork/collaboration, time management, oral/written communications, leadership, and global/intercultural fluency, setting them apart as a competitive employee and an engaged citizen;
Create a whole new world of qualified and valuable connections;
Gain knowledge of local resources available to solve community needs.

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