Hiring Corporations
Manage and collaborate online or locally

Benefit: Post Your Job, Project Opportunity 2 Thousands of Quality Candidates
Benefit: Review Applicants & Award Your Selection
Benefit: OnDemand Production From The BEST

Hire/Mentor/Train College Students
Hire/Train Military Veterans
Hire/Train Professionals



Student-2-Biz Connect
Gain Versatile Skills B4 An Internship

Advantage: Begin Certifying Your Career By Honing Up-To-Date Marketplace Skills
Advantage: Gain Experience Now While You're In College
Advantage: Earn Income While Building A Portfolio

Students Ready To Work/Learn
Int'l Students Ready To Work/Learn Become Certified In Student Freelance



ProFreelancer-2-Biz Connect
Hone Marketplace Skills

Value Added: Earn Income Based On Skill-set
Value Added: Grow & Certify Your Career/Business
Value Added: Manage Your Versatile Portfolio

Professionals Ready To Work/Learn
Professionals Login Here Take/Renew Certification Credentials



Links of Interest
Assisting in pinnacle attainment!

Reaching Your Potential, Validating Your Credentials
Validate your experience as you successfully complete short and long term work projects!

CertificationPoint is an exciting online employment marketplace for freelance jobs and career progression. CertificationPoint allows clients to hire businesses, college students (via project based learning), as well as independent contractors.

The online collaborative tools offered allow for onsite and/or remote team project management. Independent contractors, businesses, and college students create online profiles and portfolios, bid & apply for work/jobs, submit proposals for jobs, and collaborate and receive payment through available funds transfer processors used by CertificationPoint.

Collaborative Innovation
The need arose for a student-only platform allowing students to hone their skills and increase their experience w/peers and the help of qualified mentors in a project based learning setting. This idea of placing college students as the central piece of this career field neutral initiative allowing students to earn income by honing key on-the-job skills and resume experience while in college has really been beneficial in an industry traditionally reserved for business professionals and professional freelancers and will only grow exponentially over the next few years.


Thanks for making this website the original and still #1 resource on the web for student project-based learning freelance!

- Team CertificationPoint

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