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  Date/Time Stamp: Oct-01-2023 13:05
Comments: Anybody here going to University of Alabama for the Scholarships?  Submitter: darrinholter

  Date/Time Stamp: Oct-01-2023 15:53
Comments: MGFTY (My Goal For This Year) is to creat a cool CP collaborative. #collaboratives #studenthelpingstudents  Submitter: darrellmart

  Date/Time Stamp: Oct-01-2023 18:40
Comments: I was just accepted to the University of Alabama for engineering. I am from California and have never been to the south in my life. Can some U of A students tell me about it? #studenthelpingstudents #studenthelpingstudents  Submitter: davidbokim

  Date/Time Stamp: Sep-30-2023 23:10
Comments: What are your genuine and honest opinions about University of Minnesota and your personal experiences? #studenthelpingstudents  Submitter: day2651ccb

  Date/Time Stamp: Sep-30-2023 17:40
Comments: I go to a no name school (University of Minnesota Duluth) and graduate next year. I just read my school’s placement data and I’m scared. Uhh... what can a bachelors in chemist get me if I don’ want to go to grad school?  Submitter: dawnhessede

  Date/Time Stamp: Sep-30-2023 22:40
Comments: Which school is more fun illinois state or university of illinois ?  Submitter: DGardnerlig

  Date/Time Stamp: Sep-30-2023 23:13
Comments: Transportation options for the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana? #studenthelpingstudents  Submitter: dgaonartist

  Date/Time Stamp: Oct-03-2023 00:38
Comments: A media professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, found that corporations " udge" our attention and browsing behavior on the internet in numerous ways, often hidden or beyond our control. #studenthelpingstudents  Submitter: dougkolmski

  Date/Time Stamp: Oct-03-2023 00:21
Comments: Not Happy With Current Illinois University MBA. Thoughts On Switching?  Submitter: Lonnie2001

  Date/Time Stamp: Oct-03-2023 00:38
Comments: the good, the bad and the ugly - what should I know about Pitt? #studenthelpingstudents  Submitter: nickdemery

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